Disclosure policy

Titanium’s Board of Directors approves and confirms the company’s disclosure policy.


The objective of Titanium’s communications is to ensure that all capital market participants have access to relevant and sufficient information to determine the value of the company’s shares and any other financial instruments issued by the company.

The company’s objective is to continuously produce consistent, reliable, sufficient and up-to-date information to the market to ensure that capital market participants have access to correct and sufficient information to make a justified assessment of the company and its financial instruments.


In its communications, Titanium complies with European Union regulations and other applicable regulations and guidelines, Finnish legislation, the rules and regulations concerning the North Growth Market Finland marketplace of the Helsinki Stock Exchange, the Insider Guidelines of the Helsinki Stock Exchange and the guidelines of the ESMA (European Securities and Markets Authority) and the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority.

Titanium’s communications provide a fact-based and consistent picture of the company’s operations, operating environment, strategy, goals and financial situation, among other things. In accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR), the company publishes inside information directly related to it in a company release as soon as possible or postpones publication in accordance with MAR.

The company does not comment on any rumours that may arise in the market.

Disclosure of financial information and the silent period

Titanium publishes its half-yearly report and financial statements bulletin in accordance with the pre-announced annual schedule. The company complies with a 30-day silent period prior to the publication of the half-year report and the release of the financial statements.

During the silent period, Titanium’s management does not meet with capital market or media representatives or comment on the company’s financial situation, markets or future outlook.

Financial targets and future prospects

Titanium’s Board of Directors defines the company’s financial targets. The company publishes changes related to previously published financial targets either in a company release, in connection with the half-year report or the release of the financial statements.
Titanium publishes its outlook in connection with its release of the financial statements and the half-year report. The company does not publish a profit forecast.

Other releases

In the course of its ordinary business, the company publishes on its website the value of the fund units of each fund managed by its subsidiary in accordance with the rules of the funds. The company may publish news related to its business in press releases that are not expected to have a material impact on the value of the share. 

Publication of releases

All company and press releases are published on the company’s website at www.titanium.fi/sijoittajille. The official communication language of the company is Finnish.